mercredi 8 février 2012

Are you really strong? Do not be fooled

Eso texto en español (sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible en Wordpress): ¿Usted es realmente fuerte? No se deje engañar,
Eso texto en español (con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Para Hombres de Calidad y Mujeres Verdaderas): ¿Usted es realmente fuerte? No se deje engañar,
This text in English (without sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible): Are you really strong? Do not be fooled,
This text in English (with sex pics and movies, at Para Hombres de Calidad y Mujeres Verdaderas): Are you really strong? Do not be fooled,
Texto original em português (sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no Paraíso Concreto): Você é mesmo forte? Não se engane,
Texto original em português (com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam): Você é mesmo forte? Não se engane,

Let's make the difference between strong and resistant. A resistant rope stands. A resistant bridge stands upon many cars over it and so much water running down. And so on. The sand bag that Mike Tyson uses to train is resistant. Mike Tyson is strong.

Discipline is different from self-sadism. Discipline is having willpower and focus. It may be denying yourself a pleasure that will have a price later. It can be an uncomfortable thing to do to achieve a goal. But self-sadism, which many people call discipline, is to be addicted to lack of pleasure and do what should not be made for who should not be asking for anything as a reward. Example: some companies.

Strong people also cry. See: people who complain are weak, but admit the own suffering is something to strong people. Especially in some repressive places where criticize the way of life is dangerous.

Strong people recognize which makes them suffer and struggle against it. Supporting the displeasures of a job in a tyrannical company to keep middle-class apartment and pay the pension of ex-wife and playboy style of sons is not strength, is resistance.

Strong people do not believe in God. They have the intelligence and honesty with themselves to see God or the belief in God never helped them anything.

Strong people can lose to lions, but do not threaten cats. Brave people who fight, make and happen where they are usually? In the peripheries, in the holes in the country and the world. When these people threaten someone to spank, sending to jail, kill, this, that, the person goes out from there to be successful in life and the tough guys and girls are in the same place, killed, jailed or fucking to rich old men.

Strong people prefer to use their strength where is needed rather than display their biceps. The strong person can quit the job that 80% of humanity thinks that wish have to avoid the illness. The strong man prefers bear to be called gay to fuck a whore and pay a pension the following year. The strong woman prefers bear to be called a bitch to stop talking with friends (or really fuck with friends).

This was a reflection after a message from a distant friend of mine (he is from Portugal):

Duarte Oliveira Joaquim

Posted on 30/08/2011 13:41

The question is that I have to be strong only when it's needed and I don't have to be strong just to please everyone and to suffer.

(Comment on "Por que não se comemora o Dia Internacional do Homem?" - Why it's not celebrated the International Man's Day?)

Thanks to this and all your friends.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

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