samedi 13 avril 2019

Why do leftist Christians and capitalists exist?

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Do not feel offended when I say that understanding why leftist Christians and capitalists exist is not difficult if you are not a conservative Christian or a libertarian. I will explain.

The libertarian believes that capitalists can do as much good to the public interest as they do for the bank accounts of their enterprises if they can have as much freedom in and on society as within their enterprises. The Christian believes that Christianism can transform the world into a draft of Paradise if it is known and followed by all mankind. Just as the Christian believes in Christianism itself and in the Christian fidelity of the clergy at least in his / her section of Christianity, the libertarian believes in Capitalism and in the fidelity of the capitalists to Capitalism. That's where they go wrong.

The libertarian believes that the developed capitalist countries are developed because they have adopted Capitalism and the big capitalists have benefited the community as a whole, these great capitalists have become what they are through selling products that satisfy and are valuable to their customers, they have outperformed their competitors through making the best products and services at the best prices. The conservative Christian believes that Christianism exists today because a dozen commoners from Judea faced the Roman Empire almost 2000 years ago. They both look at the doctrine and forget about politics.

The version itself that the Christian church began with a popular movement in a peripheral province of the Roman Empire in the year 33, and not in the very empire's headquarters almost 300 years later, is part of that same political action. And the greater was the political-social power of traditional Christian churches, the more widespread, more suffocating, and less subject to questioning was "Christian morality", especially in the sexual area. This has produced from a mass production of hypocrites, dual life depraveds and neurotics to collective escapes like Carnival. Beyond an epidemic of stupidity and illiteracy that included burning books and executing and lynching of people for heresy or less repressed sexuality. By the way, "paganism" comes from "paganus", peasant in Latin: the peasants resisted as long as they could to the conversion forced by the Roman Empire.[1] If today some conservatives can only respond to my ideas by blocking me on social networks, at that epoch it would be just send a troop of women to arrest me and burn me covered in a public square (because if a man sees one of the fingers of Abigail's hands, he'll receive her spirit of atheism and prostitution). There is no country with more than 80% of Christians today that neither has been a Christian since the beginning of Christianism nor was colonized by someone that was. In any other, the Christian churches are numerically insignificant and usually clandestine. Today, traditional churches in the countries whose huge majority is nominally Christian lose more and more political power, social influence, characterization and, not infrequently, number of members.

Libertarianism and Ultralibertarianism (known as "Anarcho-capitalism" or "Libertarian Anarchism") have already started wrong in the concept: I am a capitalist, the State lets me do what I want or it exists and has power only to do what I decide it to do. The Communist Manifesto already told us that when the anticommunist capitalist speaks of freedom and democracy, the freedom is for Capitalism and the people of democracy are the bourgeoisie itself. Karl Marx was right. Just as the socialist State is only antireligious because it wants to be the religion itself, the libertarian and the ultralibertarian are only antistatists because they want to be the State themselves.

Another mistake of conservative Christians and libertarians is thinking that leftist ideology is a pure antithesis of their ideas, everything that the Christian and the libertarian say "no", the left says "yes". If there are left-wing capitalists, left-wing Christians or even Christian feminists[2], this is because some possible intersection between the two parts exists. One intersection of conservative Christianism with the left-wing that I know of is militancy against sex: one side puts me in the other and both call me the sexual object of men, that's because they only discovered my profile on Twitter, not with how many men I had the double penetrations and the facials cumshots they saw there.

Even if Socialism is the dictatorship of the proletariat, what would these proletarians do in power? What would be the moral, intellectual, and interpersonal schemas they would bring to the new society? Better: why would be the society really new? But if Socialism comes and dictatorship is not of the proletariat, who will it be of? It is now that you will understand this whole tour I gave.

Who will govern in Socialism will be the socialist movement. And whoever is not in the dictatorship of the proletariat will be in the proletariat of the dictatorship. So, a capitalist can try to earn the grace of the socialist movement to anticipate and, at worst, to survive. With the left-wing Christians, the reasoning is the same. If some religion survives, it's because it has the permission of the socialist movement. There is still a hypothesis that does not involve cronyism but is worrying: left-wing Christians and left-wing capitalists struggle not for a place in the future Soviet elite's "clique", but for the ideals of a better world, they really believe in the beautiful part of discourse of the socialist movement. The thing is worse than a supposed left-wing monopoly of the virtue, it's the lack of decent ideas in the opposite side plus an almost general destruction of the intelligence that manifests itself in the rich class and in the decision-making positions.

The leftism is almost the only political-ideological stream that manifests itself in the churches and in the business world because of another problem that libertarians and conservatives only paid attention to it after seeing the left-wing come to power (not only in formal politics): thinking that defending an ideological, political or moral position is something to those who do not have to fulfill work expedient or who have a salary to make this. When they did not think about the home-work circuit, the traditional Christian only thought about sex (in attacking sex or any closer man-woman contact) and the traditional capitalist only thought about profit. Or so they were seen. Those who were handsome in speech and practice were the leftist Christian and the leftist capitalist. Politics only ceased to be treated by the Christian churches as impious and by the business class as baloney when they campaigned politically for the left-wing or when a leftist government shook off what they thought was the most important.

Both among Christians and among libertarians, the "pure" do not come to power, at least as a rule. Even in the Old Testament of the Bible this happened when Israel left the time of the judges to the time of the kings. Then, up to the captivity in Babylon, the Twelve Tribes had prophets who were faithful to the Word of God both with righteous kings and with careless or wicked kings. In the case of the libertarians, what hinders them is the fantasy plus the moneyism plus the stupidity. If we look at any libertarian website or the work of any libertarian writer or columnist, there is no one proposal or analysis that is not, at best, a dogmatic interpretation of biased cuts with a casual hit. Hence, even the Libertarian Party of the United States[3] is irrelevant.

I was organizing these words in my head when I saw a news shared on social networks: Workers' Party president, Gleisi "Lula" Hoffmann, recorded a video next to a pastor in an invitation to the 1st Meeting of Male Evangelicals and Female Evangelicals in the Workers' Party[4]. The people who shared the video, scandalized, are the same ones who say that traditional Christianism overcomes the world for 2000 years and that Socialism does not work. Some of these people were the same people who said or shared to young people, 10 or 20 years ago, that Rede Globo was Satanist, that pornography made men become rapists and pedophiles, that the condom had micro-holes through which the AIDS virus passed, and things in this level. Even a demoralized left-wing whose biggest party has lost the presidential election six months ago can still intellectually overcome such type of conservative Christians, even within their own church.

Without entering into the question of the myths that conservative Christians and libertarians have about the origins and solidity of the ideas in which they believe, their surprise with left-wing Christians and left-wing capitalists comes from unpreparedness for sociopolitical action, especially when they are not in power, plus the astonishing ignorance of what the socialist movement is.


[1] "Paganismo", Armando Araújo Silvestre, InfoEscola,

[2] "Introduction to Christian Feminism", Christian Feminism Today,

[3] "About the Libertarian Party", Libertarian Party,

[4] "'Jesus sempre foi a nossa referência', diz Gleisi Hoffmann", Gospel Prime, April 09, 2019,

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