vendredi 9 novembre 2012

The Little Boys Society - part 1: Introduction

A friend of mine wrote, in a extinct blog, that women has always had a dark side but that until recently there was social pressure that prevented this shadow of manifesting. I'd say that it's not that the woman is naturally bad, or even worse that man, is that women have always had a social environment in which to be sordid is an interesting option of lifestyle. For men can also be "advantageous" to be bad, but for women is much easier. In it, the author was talking about feminism, the decay of moral values (the 50s' moral values, because moral principles even us who don't believe in God and chastity have), things like these. But he trying to give answers, creates another problem: if men have always dominated the world with an repressor environment, why feminism have appeared just now, and became increasingly stronger?

Explaining the "just now". Feminism was emerging in the mid-18th century in the United Kingdom. It is not only a relatively recent movement. Feminism also arose at the time and in the place of the Industrial Revolution, in the power of the time. Feminism also emerged after independence of all the American colonies, the French Revolution, the American Revolution, the discovery of electricity, just to list does not stay long. It was easier in terms of science and technology create the feminism than, for example, Simon Bolivar fighting Spain for independence of Venezuela and other countries. If Feminism came to liberate women from oppressor men (not all men), why didn't it started in North Africa, where the scourge of Islam puts the woman in burqa still today? If feminism came to liberate the woman from oppressor men, why didn't it began in Western Europe of the Inquisition?

And so, science and technology were evolving. Came the Hollerith Machine, came the computers, the structure of DNA was discovered, came the Bohr Atomic model, just to list does not stay long. And what the macho oppressor men did? Let come the Second Wave of Feminism in the 60's. If the men wished to continue dominating women, Valerie Solanas, Rubin Morgan and other stupid women should be the tiradentes of Feminazism (note for non-Brazilians: Tiradentes was the leader of the "Inconfidência Mineira", a revolt against the Government of Portugal at the time when Brazil was a colony. He assumed the responsibility alone and was hanged and quartered, and the pieces were displayed the head in the center of Ouro Preto, capital of the province of Minas Gerais at the time, and the rest in other places where he made revolutionary speeches. The day of his execution, on April 21, is a holiday for us). But no! Even today, who denounces how feminists are lesbians Narcissists with authoritarian ideals who hate men are basically small and poorly known groups in developed countries (this after they have already done a lot of wrong thing there) and ordinary guys who usually do not even publish their name on blogs for free that they write at the times and at the pace they can. And these antifeminists, not always macho, yet are offended and ridiculed in the back and the front not only for journalists and directors of large-circulation magazines and newspapers, or by college professors, as per any underemployed who invents sexual adventures in conversation with colleagues of underemployment. So when a guy of these knows of the existence of these antifeminists.

At least the men who do not oppose the emancipation of women, including in positions of power and influence, are in much greater number and do much more in benefit of women than ungrateful lesbians of the Feminazism recognize. But there is still something else: why men generally accept such ingratitude, contempt and slander from the feminazist women and women in general, why do they care less about their own problems than about theirs and why they ignore the villainies of women that despise them?

Some blame the LGBT-Feminism for the changing the feminine universe, from honorable woman (actually a sexually repressed semi-illiterate religious) of 50's to the today's viper. But how a whole generation of traditional women, or most of it, might allow their countries or their cities arrive at this point? Even if there were a secret plan of powerful corporations or families behind all this, with big money, rigging of the emerging and developed country Governments and ideological propaganda by the mass media (and this plan really exists), someone cannot control the mind of so many people, or prevent so many people seek certain truths by logic and by research. And to top it off, in the 60's Brazil, for example, not only the television was a luxury good as half of the population was illiterate, most lived in the rural area and Catholics were intolerant to any non-Catholic thing or person, including other Christians. Only the Devil could destroy a Puritan world in two generations, and only God could allow this, and these two do not exist.

Just to illustrate what I want to point, I will show a monument at the Municipal Park of Belo Horizonte (the one of the Central Area), which for me was a revelation (if the Devil existed, I could even give credits for him, hehehehe).

The hands that pack the cradle are the hand that rule the world. In praise of mothers the people of Belo Horizonte.

Raised in the administration of Mayor Celso Mello de Azevedo. 58 XII 12th. The city 60th [year].

Mothers rule the world?! How so, fellow?! And fathers allowed it?! This was 1958! Hardly existed Feminism.

This explains a lot. Explains almost everything about problems of our society. Explains why it is a work of Hercules say some truths to some 90% of humanity, even when some evidence escape or when some liars no more can or try to hide the truth. And of course, explains the relations between man and woman and the scoundrelness of women, not only in terms of affective and sexual, but especially when a man tries to have a good relationship with a woman without having expectations of getting sex and, in some cases, not even respect.

And the name Little Boys Society I took out of a Leoni's song. There are many people who like the song, it was a success in the 90's. The letter should cause outrage, because it shows a silly man who crawls for a kind of woman, or women. If it were otherwise, the protests would be guaranteed. Let's go to music (see it in Portuguese at

Garotos (Boys) II


Your eyes and your looks / thousands of temptations / girls are so women / his tricks and confusions / spread by hairs / mouth and hair / breasts and poses and appeals / grab me by the legs / certain women like you / take me always where they want

Boys do not stand / your mysteries / Boys never say no / Boys as I / ever so smart / near a woman / are just boys

Your teeth and their smiles / Chew my body and mind / Devour my senses / I no longer care with me / so are hands and arms / kisses and hugs / skin, belly and your ties / Are traps and I do not know what to do / Here as a clown / Following your footsteps

Boys do not stand / your mysteries / Boys never say no / Boys as I / ever so smart / near a woman / are just boys

The Little Boys Society not only consists of unwise women and idiot men. The Little Boys Society also hates true men and women.

This is just the introduction of the series.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Questo testo in italiano senza foti e filmati di sesso, in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: La Società degli Ragazzini - parte 1: Introduzione,
Questo testo in italiano con foti e filmati di sesso, in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: La Società degli Ragazzini - parte 1: Introduzione,
Eso texto en español (sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise): La Sociedad de los Chiquitos - parte 1: Introducción,
Eso texto en español (con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible): La Sociedad de los Chiquitos - parte 1: Introducción,
This text in English (without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise): The Little Boys Society - part 1: Introduction,
This text in English (with sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible): The Little Boys Society - part 1: Introduction,
Texto original em português (sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade): A Sociedade dos Garotos - parte 1: Introdução,
Texto original em português (com fotos e vídeos de putaria: A Sociedade dos Garotos - parte 1: Introdução, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam em e no Viver a Vida e Planejamento Estratégico em
La serie La Società degli Ragazzini senza fotos e filmati di dissolutezza
La serie La Società degli Ragazzini con fotos e filmati di dissolutezza
La serie La Sociedad de los Chiquitos sin fotos e peliculas de putaría
La serie La Sociedad de los Chiquitos con fotos e peliculas de putaría
The series The Little Boys Society without sex pics and movies
The series The Little Boys Society with sex pics and movies
A série A Sociedade dos Garotos sem fotos e vídeos de putaria
A série A Sociedade dos Garotos com fotos e vídeos de putaria no Viver a Vida e Planejamento Estratégico
A série A Sociedade dos Garotos com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam

Palavras relacionadas: direitos da mulher, machismo, sexismo, família, criação de filhos, avanços, progresso da raça humana, Deus, Alá, religião, fé, princípios morais absolutos, relativismo moral, conservadorismo, masculinismo

Iscas, palavras não relacionadas: pop rock, sucessos, música anos 90, futebol, cerveja, bar, fui traído pela minha namorada, pensão alimentícia, sexo, mulher pelada, garotas, ninfetas, faculdade

Related words: women's rights, machismo, sexism, family, children raising, advances, progress of the human race, God, Allah, religion, faith, absolute moral principles, moral relativism, conservatism, masculinism

Lures, unrelated words: pop rock, hits, 90's music, football, beer, bar, I was betrayed by my girlfriend, alimony, sex, naked women, girls, nymphets, college

Parole correlate: i diritti delle donne, machismo, sessismo, famiglia, sollevare bambini, avanzi, progresso del genere umano, Dio, Allah, religione, fede, principi morali assoluti, relativismo morale, conservatorismo, mascolinismo

Esche, parole non correlate: pop rock, hits, la musica anni '90, calcio, birra, bar, io sono stato tradito dalla mia fidanzata, alimenti, sesso, donne nude, ragazze, ninfette, università

Palabras relacionadas: derechos de la mujer, machismo, sexismo, familia, criación de hijos, avanzos, progresos de la raza humana, Dios, Alá, religión, fe, principios morales absolutos, relativismo moral, conservadurismo, masculinismo

Señuelos, palabras no relacionadas: pop rock, hits, música de 90 años, fútbol, cerveza, bar, yo fui traicionado por mi novia, pensión alimenticia, sexo, mujeres desnudas, chicas, ninfomanas, colegio

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