dimanche 12 décembre 2010

Brazilian women are ugly

Eso texto en español (sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Para Hombres de Calidad y Mujeres Verdaderas en Wordpress): Las mujeres brasileñas son feas, http://avezdoshomens2.wordpress.com/2010/12/12/las-mujeres-brasilenas-son-feas/
This text in English (with sex pics and movies, at A Vez das Mulheres at Thumblogger): Brazilian women are ugly, http://avezdasmulheres.thumblogger.com/home/log/2010/50/brazilian-women-are-ugly.html
Texto original em português (com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam): Nossas mulheres são feias, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2010/12/nossas-mulheres-sao-feias.html
Texto original em português (sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade): Nossas mulheres são feias, http://avezdasmulheres.wordpress.com/2010/11/23/nossas-mulheres-sao-feias/
Our women are ugly
A myth very influential here in this place is that our women are the most beautiful in the world. Only we ourselves think so. In all competitions of "misses" around the world the Brazilian women always "lead pipe", our women are going so well in beauty pageants as our athletes do well in the Olympics.
I understand very well that the foreigners despise our jaburús [in Brazil, a slang for ugly women]. The typical Brazilian woman is ugly. The typical Brazilian woman is nothing but a she-horse, a beast black and greasy, with big and misshapen buttocks, have stiff hair. The face is so gross as the one of a construction worker. They are aggressive, coarse talk. It is true that in the bed they seem animals, but when you finish fucking them and look at their faces, you feel like a failure. A creature like this can even wake up to the instincts of a man, but is far from being something beautiful. The creature of the photo of this post sums up how is the typical Brazilian woman.
Many tend to associate with the beauties of the South, as Gisele Bundchen, the Brazilian women beauty. It turns out that this kind of beauty is common in Europe and the U.S., they are all descended from them, has nothing to do with Brazil. The type of genuine Brazilian woman is the one described above.
We must stop this story to commend our women. Our women are ugly, they are embarrassed by Argentina women. Brazilian men are prettier than women, not that I find men beautiful, but many beauty salons have put us on top of the list of beauties. We do a favor for us these brucutus for reproduce with them, we are too beautiful to these barangas [in Brazil, a slang for ugly women]. We have to make it pretty clear.
I know that truth is hard, but I have to say them to you, you pigs.
Comments by Para hombres de calidad y mujeres verdaderas
What Porco said in our face. But we're not very good at seeing what is on our face, right? Perhaps vanity of the Brazilian people to be well spoken abroad about something.
But this goes to show that the Matrix that some talk, how there are sucker ego-inflating men and how there are proud women. And just look at the ridiculousness of feminine vanity, the main quality of Brazilian women, which would be almost the only, nor is there: the beauty.
These here are candidates for a beauty contest. Menina Fantástica (Fantastic Girl) 2009 (in the program Fantástico, from our Rede Globo).
But let's stop and think about how many women we find on the street at least like these here? (Naked women at Para hombres de calidad y mujeres verdaderas)
Abigail Pereira Aranha
Related words: brazilian woman, self-esteem, charm, sensuality, easy sex

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