vendredi 3 août 2012

Machismo was created by women – part 8: men of wealth, power, status or simply the common breadwinner male

Eso texto en español (sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise): El machismo fue creado por las mujeres - parte 8: el hombre acaudalado, poderoso, con estatus o simplemente el varón cabeza de familia común,
Eso texto en español (con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible): El machismo fue creado por las mujeres - parte 8: el hombre acaudalado, poderoso, con estatus o simplemente el varón cabeza de familia común,
This text in English (without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise): Machismo was created by women – part 8: men of wealth, power, status or simply the common breadwinner male,
This text in English (with sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible): Machismo was created by women – part 8: men of wealth, power, status or simply the common breadwinner male,
Texto original em português (sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade): O machismo foi criado pelas mulheres - parte 8: o homem rico, poderoso, com status ou apenas o homem provedor comum,
Texto original em português (com fotos e vídeos de putaria: O machismo foi criado pelas mulheres - parte 8: o homem rico, poderoso, com status ou apenas o homem provedor comum, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam em e no Viver a Vida e Planejamento Estratégico em

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Life history of Antonio Luciano Pereira Filho (excerpts)

After completing the course of the second degree, he made exam to the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and went straight. He graduated doctor, but he practiced this profession only by philanthropy and love for the poors.

His daughter Ana Luciana comments that her father managed almost all of his business. Admits that he was centralizing, but when it was necessary he knew to delegate powers and he could trust. He became one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Brazil.

According to the report of Mr. Joaquim Batista Neves, Dr. Luciano was a man of rare intelligence, great business acumen, entrepreneurial and very charitable.

On Saturdays, it was common to see a huge queue of people who went to his "Country House", near Lagoa da Prata, to receive financial aid.

And how he was generous in donations!

However, he was an observer.

If among the needy, he saw someone of larger possessions, he said frankly, but without humiliating:

"Leave the queue because you do not need help. Go have a coffee in there."

Dr. Luciano has always been admired for being a citizen of simple habits, dynamic and enterprising.

He had the habit of eating moderately, although he had full table in the country house, where those who came enjoyed the huge variety of fruits and other delicacies.

The truth is that Dr. Luciano had much attachment to family.

His wealth has generated wealth for many people. He employed thousands of workers and created business opportunities for a large number of people.

He was successful entrepreneur, but not selfish.

As time was improved in the business world and became the richest man in Brazil, the 80's and 90's.

Businesswoman Anna Luciana, who now resides in London, his father, Dr. Antônio Luciano "did not practice medicine commercially, but humanely, in fact, in places where there was no medical care, as Urucuia and Brasilândia. Before landing with his spaceship, Dr. Luciano circled around the city and the people announced:

- The Doctor has arrived!

Examining patients, if he found a severe case he transported the patient in his plane to the Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte, where he had a current account to launch medical and hospital expenses".

Anna Luciana informed us that his father was honored in Belo Horizonte, post-mortem with the title


It is curious that she never knew that he have received the title of Honorary Citizen of Lagoa da Prata. The truth is that nobody did more than him to deserve this honor. Were it not Dr. Luciano, the city would not be what it is today, in terms of prosperity and gains, the transfer of ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Merchandises and Services), employment generation and business opportunities.

It is true that he was centralizing, but very efficient and beloved by most employees. Often he made surprise visits to workers, even in the sugar cane fields. He was always greeted with joy and enthusiasm.

Source (in Portuguese): Ao Vencedor as Batatas -

Antônio Luciano Pereira Filho - crowd of children fight for their inheritance of billionaire

2008/Nov/17 - 02h35min AM

When he died in 1990, at the age of 76, Antonio Luciano Pereira Filho left wife, three children, a fortune of three billion dollars and a mess of succession. More than a decade after his death, his inventory, which sums up to 50,000 pages and 38 known heirs, was reopened to the inclusion of new pretenders to his inheritance. It's because in life Luciano was distinguished himself in both the art of making a fortune, and in the delight of the multiply the species.

Luciano, who was born in Bom Despacho, in Minas Gerais' countrysides, and lived most of his life in Belo Horizonte, was a physician, mill owner, farmer, businessman and congressman, the PSD, the party of Juscelino Kubistcheck, extinguished by the military regime. It is said that he bred horses, had the largest chain of cinemas in the capital of Minas Gerais, owned 40,000 properties in the city and 600 farms. It was said that he owned "half of Belo Horizonte".

Luciano was also an inveterate philanderer. When he died, he recognized 31 sons of 26 different mothers. But no one who knows his history and his amorous exploits believes that these numbers are minimally close to what he was capable in terms of mating. It is said that he slept with at least 2,000 different women, most virgin, who he meticulously counted in a notebook. Chose to poor girls to whose families he paid for the privilege of being the first man in their beds.

He not only recognized the children who sought him with consistent evidence of parenthood how worried to leave safely genetic material for paternity tests to whom complained after his death.

When he died the inheritance was divided among three legitimate sons of the physician and 28 more that were enabled for the match, after a long court battle. Each of the three registered sons then received 500 million dollars, while the other 28 were assigned quotas of 20 million each. Anticipating that the trouble was far from over, the executor has made more eight quotas of 20 million to be distributed to prospective suitors. Of these only three are left. How heirs don't stop arising, the solution was set aside the first share and reopening the inventory.

Inventory reopened

In June, Judge of Probate 1st Court of Belo Horizonte, Júlio César Lorens, welcomed feature of one of the supposed mothers of children of Luciano. The judge acknowledged the couple's stable union and determined that the inheritance was returned and a new survey was done. That is, started all over again.

According to information from the press office of Court of Justice of Minas Gerais, the former partner asked half of the deceased's goods while they were together. The judge's decision also serves the interests of over 20 people in the process of proof of parenthood.

The judge understood that any descendant should receive the same as others. "While the process is in progress, who are present and with documents and evidence must be addressed", recorded.

The first instance judgment, handed down nearly six months ago, only came to light earlier this month of November because of a decision of the Court of Justice of Minas Gerais rejecting one of the seven resources already filed against the order of the judge, who ordered return the inheritance to be divided again.

Source (in Portuguese): Revista Consultor Jurídico, quoted by Cabeça de Cuia

Olacir de Moraes, women and lobsters...

With over 80 years, Olacir de Moraes, the soybean king (the world's largest single producer), who likes to go out and be photographed with beautiful and young women, was interviewed by a reporter:

Reporter: - Dr. Olacir, you really think these girls love you?

Olacir: - My friend, I love lobster so much, I go to a restaurant and ask for a dish of this delicacy. I don't wonder if the lobster does loves me... I just eat it...... !!!

Source (in Portuguese): Blog do VT (it is in several other websites)

More of magnates about women

If women would not exist, all the money in the world would be meaningless. (Aristotle Onassis)

Why the power of a mighty man serves less to him than to women

The attitude of a rich and powerful man before women is very different of the relationship with the rest of what he has. He uses the money, employees, slaves, buildings, fields, companies always benefiting himself, his own self, friends or at least someone he owes something or that can benefit him later. Until women factor comes in question, when he will look like a vassal or a drug addict sustaining addiction (as well say the "real warriors" that when sex turns vice, woman turns drug dealer), but not like a ruler. Let's go back to the three moneybags we quoted back there and let's think on what a man does when he has a lot of money.

  1. He wants even more money and power or maintain what he has, even if he have not time for lunch or quiet for a weekend ride.
  2. He grabs a bitch after another. Or looks for a wife. Or both.
  3. He parades with women aged to be his daughters or granddaughters, even if he falls into the ridiculous.
  4. He gives to any bitch he's fucking the oportunity of success she never would have by their own talent.
  5. He has to have children, to leave what he get in his lifetime to be spent by a small mind and libido religious widow, children who never caught a bus or woke up before 7 am in their life and bitches that can earn for few fucks what a professional will not earn a lifetime.
  6. He leaves gratuitously part of their own status and wealth to a legion of incompetent, immature, bitch-fuckers and futile women called the family Lucky Smith.
  7. To give just one example, the Taj Mahal was made at the behest of an emperor of India, by 20,000 workers, with gold and semiprecious stones just to honor his favorite wife who died in childbirth, over her grave.

How do women benefit the common male provider

  1. Have you ever heard a story of a woman who decided to raise a child alone after her father abandoned the child, or that he wanted her to abort? It might even be love, but above all is Plan B. Mother love is pure, true love only mother's love? What is the difference between saying that fathers are drunk, useless and philander and say that all blacks are criminals and immoral?
  2. The mother does not invest in the education of his son for nothing. It's not that love does not exist, but her big project is to improve her life in the back of the child if he is successful.
  3. The male has a duty to support his family. If he is unemployed and his wife is the breadwinner, usually marriage is a torment.
  4. The death of an unmarried male is better than the death of a married male. The worst of the death of the married male is the family that loses support and falls in living standards. In case of violence, the husband can not live if the wife is in danger of death.
  5. Woman's place is no longer in the kitchen, but the male's place remains under the sink fixing the pipe, on the roof repairing leaks, in the car repairing parts, etc. A male can not expect the wife to give him sex or washed clothes, because now she works out of home and is no longer a sexual object (usually a poorly made sexual object), but he will be useless if does not fix the roof.
  6. It is the duty of a male being "useful" for his wife, mother, sisters and other women in things like losing two hours of their own time to get a document that the maiden forgot at home or somewhere else.
  7. A model male is the one who worked hard and had hardship to gather sufficient goods so that the grandson will never have to catch a bus at 6 AM or be arrested for driving drunk and ran over a worker.
  8. It is absurdly normal the wife to have her husband's money, the mother to have her male son's money or mother-in-law to have her son-in-law's money to complete her own budget.
  9. What is the project of a male's life when he has a good income? A good home for his mother, support his old and ill parents and provide a good living for his wife. What a beautiful ruler who has no time, money and energy to spend with himself after a day's work!
  10. The males faced bears, lions, snakes, sea waves, robbers, all to support his wife who did lighter work and his social group. Beyond the slave labor (by other males) where they could die before the age of 40. When work and life have become less hard, feminism came and bye, evil and pervert machoes.
  11. A pregnancy that could have been avoided, of a reckless father and at a time when the girl would not have money, time and wisdom to have a child (or another child) can bring a decent male who will be the prize for the mother by her own errors.

Read also "The Breadwinning Blues", at

When any mediocre woman has a minimum of abilities and gets her own sustain

  1. She goes a lesbian (I do not need a man).
  2. She can be a virgin-mouth, antisocial, frustrated, closeted lesbian, feminist, misandric with no one, unless someone like me, throwing it in her face or throwing her a personal attack. She can still be seen as "powerful" by the no-balls queers and fat gorilla women who earn minimum wage.
  3. She delays motherhood until she gets where she wants in her life, as any underemployed male has the pressure of having a child.
  4. She deserves a man who has at least as much success or money as she has, even that she is a woman of limited intelligence who rose in the life getting pregnant of a football player.
  5. She can be as admired as a male is for being rich, hardworking, intelligent, or have brought something useful to mankind only because she is "beautiful and..." something.
  6. If the world is lucky, she will be charitable in her free time or with another's money.
  7. Any woman who earns her living honestly and is beautiful and / or nice-bodied is valued as someone who could be married by interest, could have cheated to grow faster in their career, etc. That is, the character that is a must-be for the average man is an option for a "hot chick".


The male has never been powerful only because she was the only one who worked outside the home. He was the servant who was used as life was hard. In the power struggle with other men, his gain if things all worked out fine would be to enjoy the fruits of the crime surrounded by whores, being depressed or stressed out surrounded by glamour in the day that thousands of idiots he does not know that exist talk about he has thinking that they wish to exchange their lives miserable for his, or perhaps take out of the obscurity a legion of idiots with no talent like the female employee's cousin that he is fucking in his own office after job. When life got "softer", we could see women wanting equality in comfort and how women have always been protected, provided and pampered only for being women.

The serie “Machismo was created by women” in English at Paraíso Concreto (without lust)

The serie “Machismo was created by women” in English at Concrete Paradise (without lust)

The serie “Machismo was created by women” in English at Paraíso Tangible (with lust)

Related words: breadwinner, provider male, decent wife, looking for a good wife, feminazism, feminism, women working out, determined woman, successful woman, I thick, beautiful and intelligent women, beautiful and famous women, beautiful and cultured women, alimony, industrial revolution, professional career, jewelry, who likes man is a queer woman likes money, rich old men, old men who get teenage girls, Viagra, self-serving girls

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