dimanche 27 février 2011

The men who women don't see: the ones who respect them

Eso texto en español (sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible): Los hombres que las mujeres no veen: los que las respetan, http://avezdoshomens2.wordpress.com/2011/02/27/los-hombres-que-las-mujeres-no-veen/
Eso texto en español (con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Para Hombres de Calidad y Mujeres Verdaderas): Los hombres que las mujeres no veen: los que las respetan, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2011/02/los-hombres-que-las-mujeres-no-veen-los.html
This text in English (without sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Concreto): The men who women don't see: the ones who respect them, http://paraisoconcreto.blogspot.com/2011/02/men-who-women-dont-see-ones-who-respect.html
This text in English (with sex pics and movies, at A Vez das Mulheres at Thumblogger): The men who women don't see: the ones who respect them, http://avezdasmulheres.thumblogger.com/home/log/2011/08/the-men-who-women-dont-se.html
Texto original em português (sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade): Os homens que as mulheres não enxergam: os que as respeitam, http://avezdasmulheres.wordpress.com/2011/02/26/homens-que-as-mulheres-nao-enxergam/
Texto original em português (com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam): Os homens que as mulheres não enxergam: os que as respeitam, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2011/02/os-homens-que-as-mulheres-nao-enxergam.html

Not all men think that women are objects to sex and housework. We do not think so.

Not all men have sex without thinking of the woman's pleasure. We care.

Not all men bother with intelligent women. We even seek them.

Not all men reject a woman for friendship, sex or marriage just because she is not young, beautiful and wonderful body. We do not reject.

Not all men think badly of women taking the initiative for a simple conversation or sex. We do not think badly.

Not all men think that women are worse with more men have sexual life. We do not think so.

Not all men would refuse dating a woman because she has children, has had another relationship or is not a virgin anymore. We would not refuse.

Not all men think that women are divided into women to marry and women to have fun, or frigid boring sexually repressed women and the rest. We do not think so.

Not all men refuse to suck pussy. We do not refuse.

Not all men think that the prostitute does not deserve respect. We respect them even more than many women who say they are better than them.

Not all men refuse to have a friendship or a dating (not hiding from anyone) with a woman who is or was a prostitute, is or was a stripper or does or has done porn stuff. We would not refuse, they can even see it as a matter of need and we see them as more honorable than many women who say they are decent.

Not all men are macho. We are not.

Do you know who we are? We are the men that women don't see.

We spent months or years of seeing our female friends suffering with a scoundrel behind the other, or more than 10 years in the same unhappy relationship.

We can not say to our female friends as we care about their welfare when they are in an unhappy relationship, because we're friends, and friendship is less than the relationship stable.

We fix sinks and computers of women married to alcoholics good-for-nothing, women who do not want to be seen shaking our hand.

Some women know us for years and do not find us interesting, or never gave us a hug because it's not a good woman hugging a man, but became pregnant in less than a year of men with flaws worse than ours.

If we like the breasts or the butt of our female acquaintances, friends and colleagues, we are perverts, and not just nice men that are not eunuchs.

If we like naked women and pornography, we are scoundrels as others (or rather, we are scoundrels too).

Women only see the scoundrels, the gays and the asexuals, therefore say that on't find men. Unless we have money.

This letter is just to say that we exist. It is easier for a woman say that men are evil, macho and rapists than admit their own mistakes and failings, but we exist.

Oh, one thing that did not need to be told: not all men are monsters and potential rapists. Another thing that did not need to be told: we are not.

Written with the help of several men, organized by Abigail Pereira Aranha

Related words: machismo, sexism, feminism, feminazism, feminine hipocrisy, hypocritical women, feminine incoherence, incoherent women, good men, nice guys, violence against women, relationships, mangina, why women like scroundels, seducion techniques, I am in love for a female friend

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